Butter biscuits
Ingredients: 120 g ambient temperature butter, 90 g sugar, 150 g flour, 1 big egg, 1 teaspoon of vanilla or 2 bags of vanillin, 1,5 teaspoon of backing powder.
Preparation: mix butter with sugar, then add the egg and the vanilla: keep mixing until the dough is smooth. Mix flour with the backing powder and then add them to the rest mixing carefully. Model the balls, then roll them on the sugar and cook in the oven for 20 minutes at 170°. When placing them in the backing tin, put the balls at a certain distance the one from the other because they will rise a lot. When cooked, let them get a little cod before eating.
Butter shrimps
70 g buter, a clove of garlic, 500 g of shelled shrimps, salt and pepper, 2 spoons of minced fresh parsley.
Preparation: Melt butter in a bowl at a high power for 2 minutes, paying attention not to burn it. Take out the bowl from the microwave oven and add salt, pepper and finally the parsley. While mixing everything, put the shrimps to defrost in case you didn’t use fresh shrimps. Once ready, pour the butter on them and cover them. Cook for 5-6 minutes at a medium-high power in the microwave oven. Mix them at half cooking time and let them rest for two minutes before serving.
Fate sciogliere il burro per circa due minuti alla
massima potenza in una ciotola, facendo attenzione
a non farlo bruciare.
Togliete la ciotola dal microonde ed aggiungetevi
l'aglio tritato finemente , il sale ed il pepe
nero ed infine il prezzemolo.
Mentre girate il tutto, fate scongelare i gamberetti
nel microonde se non avete utilizzato dei gamberetti
freschi. Una volta pronti, versatevi sopra il burro
e copriteli. Fate cuocere per 5 o 6 minuti a potenza
Mescolate una volta a metà cottura e lasciate
riposare due minuti prima di servire.